Episode 2: Biden's Awful Week


January 16th, 2022

1 hr 17 mins

Season 1

Your Host

About this Episode

After President Joe Biden gave a divisive address in Atlanta Georgia, Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona delivered a compelling speech from the Senate floor in which she made clear she would not support Democrat efforts to eliminate the 60-vote threshold for passing legislation. The Senator was able to elucidate such legislative shortcuts could be extremely detrimental to the process of crafting bills truly reflective of the American people. In the state of Indiana, Governor Holcomb gave his state of the state address, and in the follow-up response to the speech Democrats admitted they have more in common with the Republican governor than his fellow party-members. Rand Paul clashed once again with Dr. Anthony Fauci during a senate hearing for participating in a coordinated takedown of reputable epidemiologists for disagreeing with aspects of the CDC's response to Covid-19 pandemic. The Supreme Court ruled that the OSHA vaccine mandate exceeded their statutory authority, but kept in place a mandate for healthcare workers who receive Medicate and Medicaid funding. Another busy week in news recapped by host Ethan Hatcher for this edition of Saturday Night on the Circle!